Tomska Fallen Used to Be Funny Til He Break Up


YMMV / asdfmovie

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  • Angst? What Angst?:
    • A talking hamburger is pretty calm about the fact that it used to be a cow.
    • And Mr. Muffin is so cheerful about dying.
    • The girl at the beginning of asdfmovie11 is pretty chill about turning her dad into ice cream and eating him.
    • In asdfmovie14, even though a guy has potentially apocalyptic powers of turning people into eggs, he doesn't sound too off-put by it, and the one guy who tries to stop him sounds more irritated than he is fearful.
  • Alternative Character Interpretation:
    • Did the student who flunked out of Standing Up School really fail at standing up? Or was he simply trying to do The Flop?
      • The "Everybody Do The Flop" music video has a freeze-frame bonus of a newspaper saying that people are flunking out of the school, providing evidence for the latter, but it's ultimately unclear.
      • Maybe the student who flunked out of the school took advantage of his inability to stand up to create a new music craze. Maybe that flunked student IS the "Do-The-Flop Guy".
      • Again, the music video provides evidence for that. Dougal is stated to have done just that, he took advantage of his inability to dance in order to create a music craze.
    • Is Larry unaware that he is breaking people's necks, or is he pretending to be to mock his victims?
    • The Beep-Beep I'm a Sheep skit seems to be a metaphor for memes; the sheep does something funny for no reason, it quickly catches on with everyone, and later, when the cow tries to do it again, everyone gets mad at him and nobody wants anything to do with it.
    • Does Dougal Flopguy actually care about the safety of the world at the mercy of the Flop, or is he just pretending to care just to salvage his reputation, since he was still willing to do the Flop in the vicinity of a poor soul about to commit suicide?
    • That guy seemed a bit too happy to admit he parked his car on that other guy's sandwich. Did he do it to be an asshole and was smiling because he wanted to rub it in his face, or did he think parking on the sandwich would be helpful in some way?
  • Author's Saving Throw: The 11th episode was panned by some viewers, mostly because of the fart jokes, and even TomSka recognized this episode wasn't that great. The following episode, asdfmovie12, received a better reception.
  • Awesome Art:
    • asdfmovie12 has an animesque opening. Not only does it look fantastic, it also humanizes the cast.
    • There seems to be a big boost in animation quality found in asdfmovie13, with character movement coming across as a lot more dynamic, edged, and far less stilted.
  • Cargo Ship: Invoked in The Muffin Song, with the Book Guy from asdfmovie4 caressing his book with a Luminescent Blush on his face, putting into perspective the phrase, "Well, I'm gonna do a book".
  • Contested Sequel: asdfmovie14's reception was decidingly mixed. Some people found it just as hilarious as those preceding it thanks to its multitudes of creative double subversions, whereas others found it mediocre due to the sponsor plug, inconsistent animation, and being the first asdfmovie since 5 not to have Todd Bryanton doing the music.
  • Crosses the Line Twice: Has its own page.
  • First Installment Wins: Not so much the first installment itself, but there's a Vocal Minority of fans who believe that asdfmovie1-5 are the only funny installments, with 6 onward (though, some come to the defense of 6) being hollow recreations.
  • Fountain of Memes: Considering the videos consist of multiple seconds-long gags, it's easier to list the lines that haven't become memes.
    • "Well, I stole your face!"
    • "Everybody do the flop!"
    • "There's something on your face!" *punch* "It was pain!"
    • "I baked you a pie!" "Oh boy, what flavor?" "[insert random object here] FLAVOR."
    • "Suddenly, pineapples."
    • "Die, potato!"
    • It is now literally impossible to say that you have an affinity for locomotives in any way, shape or form without someone responding with "I LIKE TRAINS."
      • Now in song form!
    • "Beep beep, I'm a sheep" and any variations thereof.
      • "Meow meow, I'm a cow/I said meow meow, I'm—" "NO!"
  • Friendly Fandoms:
    • Not surprisingly, there's a lot of crossover with fans of this series with other beloved web-based animation, like The Lazer Collection, Suction Cup Man, and FilmCow's various properties. Many of the creators of these animations have also guest starred in asdf skits.
    • There's also fan crossover with, of all things, VeggieTales, thanks to a series of well-made animations by YouTube animator Cmanflip recreating ASDF skits with VeggieTales characters.
  • Growing the Beard:
    • The first video is essentially just randomness for the sake of randomness. By the second video, Tom begins to figure out what works and what doesn't, the series begins to develop its pechant for the Running Gag, and in general everything starts to click.
    • The first five episodes experimented with who animated the episodes and who composed the music, with 1 being animated by PivotRJ and composed by Binärpilot, 2 animated by Edd Gould and composed by Stephen Grant, 3 and 5 animated by RageNineteen, and 5 composed by The Living Tombstone. However, between 3 and 5 was asdfmovie4, which was the first episode to feature Wonchop as animator and LilDeuceDeuce as composer. The two would be promoted to lead animator and composer starting with 6, with the two staying all the way up until asdfmovie13, and the animation and music style staying consistent with what was presented in 4. At least, up until 14, when Wonchop was fitted into a collective team of animators, and the music was co-composed by Elliot Gough and Dan Pugsley.
  • Harsher in Hindsight:
    • In THE TWENTY MINUTE ASDFMOVIE, an angry potato tells a look-alike of the "I like trains" kid, "I am an angry potato and I hope you get cancer!" Edd Gould, who voiced the trains kid, died of cancer a year later. Particularly Tempting Fate, considering he had recovered from it a year earlier.
    • asdfmovie7 has a lot more jokes about death and suicide than previous episodes. A month after it was released, the creator admitted he had been suffering from depression and that it may have been subconsciously influencing those jokes, though luckily he emphatically denied wanting to commit suicide.
    • Tom has admitted that the many jokes about messed-up parental relationships in the ninth episode were a result of his parents' marriage falling apart.
    • The beginning of 10 can be downright uncomfortable to watch after Logan Paul came under fire for filming and uploading a video of a man who ended his life in Japan's Suicide Forest on the first day of 2018. For bonus points, Jacksepticeye voices the sketch, and would later admit to having suicidal thoughts himself back in 2017.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: 4 had a clip where a guy sarcastically says he likes someone else's hat. The other guy steals his face. Guess what's the main plot in Miitopia?
  • Misaimed Fandom: The Muffin Song has become a meme, especially on TikTok. However, many people who sing and dance to it completely missed that it isn't just about a muffin wanting to die. The song is actually about Tom's depression and desire to quit the series, put in song form. The bridge (sung by The Gregory Brothers) really drives it home, and is mostly cut out in performances for this reason.
  • Misblamed: With asdfmovie11 being his first as co-writer, some fans blamed Eddie Bowley for the infamous butt joke. TomSka later admitted the joke was actually his idea, and Eddie fought against its inclusion.
  • Moe: Thanks to the chibi-esque art (yes, even for a show like this), expect a few of the characters to come off as such.
    • The "I Like Trains" kid, since he's modeled after and voiced by Edd Gould.
    • Mine Turtle, thanks to the way it squeaks out "Hello!" JUST before it explodes.
    • And then there's Mr. Muffin, a sentient muffin with the voice of a Cheerful Child. Awww!
    • The Animesque opening to asdfmovie12 has both Mr. Muffin and the "I Like Trains" Kid drawn as cute anime boys, and also the human versions of Beep Beep Sheep and Skateboard Cow.
  • Most Wonderful Sound:
    • The guitar riff in the intro skit of asdfmovie2.
    • The train.
    • Any time Mr. Muffin speaks, especially his happy giggle at the end of the Muffin Song.
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • The "asdfmovie deleted scenes" bit where we see someone cranking a music box playing "Pop Goes the Weasel", only for the camera to zoom out and show that he's actually at a bloody crime scene.
    • The two girls whose boyfriends both told them they're the most beautiful girl in the world... so the first one stabs the second girl while saying "THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE" in a demonic voice with an ominous background.
    • The last skit of asdfmovie8 involves a guy dramatically muttering that the orphans are all dead and wondering who could have done this while ominous strings are playing in the background. Cut to a shot showing the bodies of the killed orphans all seen laying on the ground, bathing in their blood... then there's a cow doing skateboard just passing by, perfectly calm, only whispering "Skateboards!".
    • The man who crawls out of another person asking for his lemons is rather unsettling.
    • One sketch involves a little girl running after a sentient ball saying "Chase me, Susie, chase me!" Then the girl gets hit by a car, and the ball, in a creepy red background, and with a low voice, says "MMMM. GOOD."
    • In asdfmovie13, a man passing by asks Mr. Goose, who is off-screen, what he's doing with that noose in the form of a light-hearted song, then Mr. Goose hangs himself, we see nothing of it, we only hear a neck snap and see the man's horrified reaction.
    • Also from 13, a guy says "Hello Sun!", and the Sun gets too close to the Earth and melts the guy's skin away.
    • While "Real Man!" is primarily heartwarming and uplifting, there's one scary aspect in the form of the owner of Happy Borger Industries. At the start of the song, he's shown making all of his cows conform with the fact that they're fated to become beef, 1984-style, and when the Skateboard Cow tries to be themself, he actively tries to dehumanize them. Once the Skateboard Cow escapes and becomes a successful skateboarder, including getting a girlfriend, the Happy Borger guy is shown to have been stalking them and planted a remote bomb on their skateboard, blowing the Skateboard Cow up in front of their millions of fans. He then takes back the Skateboard Cow under the guise of an ambulance worker, complete with red eyes and a Slasher Smile, and hauls them off back to the ranch to be slaughtered, along with successfully capturing and planning to butcher the Drawing Bear, the Beep Beep Sheep, the Magical Pony, and a Mine Turtle. Luckily, all five bust out through the Beep Beep Sheep detonating the Mine Turtle, the Skateboard Cow gets their fame and glory back, and The Stinger shows that Happy Borger Industries has been shut down.
  • Replacement Scrappy: While the Waffle in asdfmovie12 isn't necessarily hated, per se, him serving almost the exact same role as one of the series' most popular characters, Mr. Muffin, only replacing suicidal tendencies with brain damage, left many fans disappointed, to say the least. He was quickly retired after only two scenes.
  • Retroactive Recognition: Some of the characters Tomska voices have him use the voice he uses for Tom from Eddsworld.
  • Seasonal Rot: asdfmovie11 is widely considered to be the least popular episode to date, mainly because of the fart jokes (which the series has gone out of its way to avoid up until this point). The butt jokes even composed the entirety of the lowest-rated asdf sketches in a polling website Tom set up. Even TomSka himself considers this one an Old Shame.
  • Special Effect Failure:
    • The animation of the boy putting on his sunglasses in the beginning of asdfmovie9 consists of only two frames.
    • asdfmovie14 is rather inconsistent in its animation. note According to Word of God, this is because it was completed on short notice and had three animators. The earliest example being that the chef's mouth from the first sketch is backwards, with his tongue being on the wrong side of his mouth. From thereon, it then flip-flops between the asdfmovie4-12 style and the asdfmovie13 style, with three sketches being of noticeably lesser animation quality than the rest. ("Taco Tuesday", "Guess Whose Arms I Stole", and "The Baby Is Taking His First Life")
  • Suspiciously Similar Song: The hook for "Beep Beep, I'm A Sheep" is clearly a riff on the "uptown funk you up" refrain from "Uptown Funk" by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars (which itself was borrowed from "Funk You Right On Up" by The Sequence). This can't be a coincidence, as "Uptown Funk" was one of the biggest hits in the world at the time of the video's release.
  • Tear Jerker: Much of "The Muffin Song", due to being an analogy about how burned out Tom is, but wanting to continue the series, but a particular scene, involving the Train Kid, shows Tom giving his voice actor, Edd Gould, a T-Shirt, and afterward showing him and Tom at a stand. The next time the stand is seen, it fades out, and Edd Gould is gone.
  • This Is Your Premise on Drugs: The Ritalin'd movie is basically asdfmovie but on Ritalin.
  • Tough Act to Follow: asdfmovie10 is considered by many as the best asdfmovie episode to date, but the episodes that followed didn't receive as much praise by some viewers, especially 11 because of the butt jokes. However, asdfmovie10 is one of Tom's least favorites as he found a majority of the jokes to be on-the-nose.
  • Uncanny Valley: The 3-D modeled people in 10. They just... don't look quite right. Most likely intentional though due to their reactions.

    Guy: *reverting to normal after taking medicine* This is better.

  • Values Dissonance: While the usage of the word "midget" in the "Very Tall Midget" sketch from asdfmovie7 was innocuous enough back in 2013, by The New '20s, the term has fallen into scrutiny as a slur used against people with dwarfism.
  • What Do You Mean, It's Not for Kids?: The series is popular among older children, thanks to its simple format, Surreal Humor, and unforgettable jokes. However, there are lots of Black Comedy sketches with red animated blood and some Suicide as Comedy. There is also a sexual reference note In asdfmovie12, an anthropomorphic car punches a guy for "sleeping with his wife", and, in earlier sketches, mild profanity. Even its Board Game, Muffin Time, is rated 12+!


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